Dogme1 film (seasons of love)


Dogme2 film (Love changes everything - duet)


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Cd optagelser fra concert


  1. into
  2. morgen Atlantis
  3. into
  4. Tomorrow
  5. intro
  6. Det Rent og skær nødvendige
  7. intro
  8. Les Miserables
  9. intro
  10. Shadowland
  11. intro
  12. Musens sang
  13. intro
  14. joseph and the amazing tenichcolor raincoat
  15. intro
  16. Let the sun shine
  17. intro
  18. Love changes everything
  19. intro
  20. Hispaniola
  21. intro
  22. Seasons of love
  23. intro
  24. Goodnight sweetheart



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